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Highway Accident Fuel Spill Cleanup Service

Danosh Construction offers 24/7 emergency highway accident fuel spill cleanup services throughout  Ontario. We are licensed and equipped to safely manage and control any emergency oil or fuel spills on both land and water. We specialize in fuel tank leaks, truck rollovers, pipe bursts, highway cleanups, and emergency land/water decontaminations. We maintain a variety of equipment to contain and manage any spill including vacuum trucks, excavation equipment, booms and skimmers, chemical and organic absorbents, containment units, mobile spill kits, and much more.


Working alongside environmental engineers, our licensed technicians attend site to monitor and control hazardous spills until the impacted area is determined to be within applicable ministry guidelines. All trucks and equipment utilized onsite  are licensed and equipped to handle the removal of hazardous materials, and every driver employed with Danosh Construction is fully licensed and trained to follow the regulations and procedures to excavate, haul, and dispose of any materials classified as hazardous under the MECP R.R.O. 1990, Regulation 347 of the Environmental Protection Act (EPA).


Because spills of any type affect the environment, immediate response is critical in any emergency spill situations.

Procedures for Highway
Fuel Spill Cleanup

  1. Stop the spill

  2. Contain the spill

  3. Collect the spilled substance

  4. Remove and Dispose of contaminated material

  5. Replace the material

  6. Provide detailed reports of work completed

Fuel Spill Factors on
Land and Water

Oil Spill Factors on Land:

  • When an oil spill occurs on land, remote locations with little wildlife or public traffic leave less of a chance that the spill will be disturbed and spread over larger areas.

  • Warmth and wet conditions makes it difficult to control the substances from being absorbed into a larger area of soil. While cold temperature help to contain the spill as it is unable to absorb further into frozen ground.


Oil Spill Factors in Water:

  • Standing water such as marshes or swamps with little water movement are likely to incur more severe impacts than flowing water because spilled oil tends to "pool" in the water and can remain there for long periods of time. In calm water conditions, the affected habitat may take years to restore. Flowing water is less impacted by oil spills because the currents provide a natural cleaning.

  • Bio degradation and dispersing agents both tend to work best in warm water environments



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